Chapter 65: Is it because she is too clumsy?

“What happened?” Feng Heng frowned slightly, but the old face was still so serious and tight, and he asked in a low voice. “I was looking for the little lady, but suddenly I was attacked by the Earth Snake Dragon. Later, I chased a black shadow and came here, but for some reason, these threeContinue reading “Chapter 65: Is it because she is too clumsy?”

Chapter 64: Is obviously unusual

Of course, even though Feng Xi thinks that these people are an eyesore, she is not stupid enough to do anything! With her current ability, let alone what to do, she will definitely be discovered whenever there is any movement. Feng Xi didn’t want to suffer a small loss, let alone planned to show herselfContinue reading “Chapter 64: Is obviously unusual”

Chapter 63: Afraid of hurting their old waist

“Roar!”   The sharp roars that broke through the air! Let the large group of people who are rushing to come to the place where the sound is made quickly. Looking at the sky, a purple light flashed through the sky first, and after a while, it landed on the ground.  Immediately, the figures thatContinue reading “Chapter 63: Afraid of hurting their old waist”

Chapter 62: I want to become a Samurai!

In other words, the abilities of the Summoner came from the Warcraft he had contracted, while the Samurai was made by his own continuous hard work.  Doesn’t this mean that the Summoner is an attacker holding a sharp sword, and the Samurai is a boxer with bare hands?  In this analysis, Feng Xi felt thatContinue reading “Chapter 62: I want to become a Samurai!”

Chapter 61: Physique is different from a samurai

Now that the eyes of the three Warcrafts have begun to show signs of the restoring clarity, their attacks cause by irritability should come to a stop. Because when facing a beast that is more advanced than oneself, normally the beast of a lower level will feel the pressure of their blood, raising its fearContinue reading “Chapter 61: Physique is different from a samurai”

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