Chapter 70: Excessive physical exhaustion

“Well, you should go back to Feng’s house with Patriarch Feng, and your senior sister will look for you! Remember, if you want to enter my door, at the very least, respect the teacher and respect the way. The deity will first see how you get along with your senior sister. Well, if you can’tContinue reading “Chapter 70: Excessive physical exhaustion”

Chapter 69: That is my pet grass!

“The Lord! It is the honor of our Feng family for you to be able to come to the Warcraft Forest of our Feng Family. From now on, I will order the family members to forbid the entrance to the Warcraft Forest, so as not to disturb the deity’s practice…” Having said this, Feng HengContinue reading “Chapter 69: That is my pet grass!”

Chapter 68: It was difficult to step down

Although there is not too much pressure on the Ninth-Tier powerhouse, the other people suddenly frowned, stepped back slightly, and the expression on their faces became more respectful. Feng Heng and Zi Xiahong, who had been standing by the side, felt a little strenuous for the sudden increase in oppression!  Especially Zi Xiahong, she feelsContinue reading “Chapter 68: It was difficult to step down”

Chapter 67: Everyone was shocked!

Just as Feng Xi was full of confusion, she saw a familiar black grass squeezed out of the small hole. When Feng Xi saw it, she was a little dumbfounded! She quickly reached out and wiped it on the top of her head, and didn’t touch anything else. Obviously, it was her smelly grass thatContinue reading “Chapter 67: Everyone was shocked!”

Chapter 66: What is going on?

After Falao finished speaking, he stared at the small cave a little nervously, but no matter how he looked, he couldn’t see the situation inside. After a while, Falao still didn’t hear a sound coming out so he was a little worried. Falao’s old face was directly put on an extremely serious expression; “Your Excellency,Continue reading “Chapter 66: What is going on?”

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