Chapter 75: Master, you have become so ugly.

At this time, she felt that the darkness was constantly trying to swallow her consciousness, but Feng Xi still held back, not letting herself fall into the darkness. It is clear in her heart that if she falls asleep at this time, then what awaits her may be to perish. No, she had survived theContinue reading “Chapter 75: Master, you have become so ugly.”

Chapter 74: The prediction is completely opposite…

It turned out to be the mental power that she had drained before to elicit the oppressive power in the formation! Why is she so sure, because just as she walked into the formation, that mental power was constantly invading her mind. As for the grim youth here, should he have been drawn here byContinue reading “Chapter 74: The prediction is completely opposite…”

Chapter 73: Is it male or female?

Well, the things in this world cannot be understood by the common sense of the 21st century. They are very illusory, and this psychological strength still needs to be reinforced. “Lord, master, eat quickly, it hasn’t woken up yet!” Just as Feng Xi breathed a sigh of relief, the grass said and offered the curlyContinue reading “Chapter 73: Is it male or female?”

Chapter 72: Is really awkward

Thinking that the smelly grass didn’t stay on her head well, and ran to seduce all the Black Vampire Grasses for no reason, making her position exposed, she felt very angry. Although later a strong man was regarded as her assistant.  But this little child just can’t condone, or it will cause a catastrophe soonerContinue reading “Chapter 72: Is really awkward”

Chapter 71: The Lun family was crushed…

At this moment, Jin Jiaye, who had been silent from the beginning, bent down slightly and frowned when he looked at the pale face of Feng Xi. Naturally stretched out his hand and gently stroked her somewhat pale face. Some streamers flashed in his blue eyes, and his lovely voice was low; “Your face isContinue reading “Chapter 71: The Lun family was crushed…”

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