Chapter 90: So beautiful and suffocating

Samurai: Mainly practice fighting spirit, with high physical defense and strong combat effectiveness. This point is what Feng Xi fancies!  Her cultivation of the summoner is assisted by the gossip array, which can get twice the result with half the effort. Although she still needs to pay more than ordinary people, it is enough forContinue reading “Chapter 90: So beautiful and suffocating”

Chapter 89: The Samurai Academy in Dongcheng

Hearing that, the man in the green robe had a bad complexion, and his green eyes were clearly dissatisfied.  “Young Master, that girl drained her mental energy by herself, and you just followed her. Why did you do that? You know that every time you use your original power, you will…” In the end, theContinue reading “Chapter 89: The Samurai Academy in Dongcheng”

Chapter 88: An unusually disgusting mark!

Yet, she didn’t see anything strange for a long time. Feng Xi had to give up in the end because she did not understand it.  Feng Xi actually feels that without the teacher, she has lost the navigation compass on the ocean and gets the feeling that she can’t find the direction to the target.Continue reading “Chapter 88: An unusually disgusting mark!”

Chapter 87: Hates, the Lun family is shy…

It is not that there are no Dual Elements Summoners in the Jingdu Academy, but there are only two or three. So seeing now such a good seed, of course, Falao is a little interested. However, he did not pay much attention at this time. Anyway, this great seedling will enter the Jingdu Academy soonerContinue reading “Chapter 87: Hates, the Lun family is shy…”

Chapter 86: The Summoner of Wind and Fire!

Therefore, children who have not yet entered the academy, regardless of whether they are at a high or low level, need to come every morning to this training ground to learn the various skills that a summoner needs to know. That is the rule of the Feng Family. Of course, the famous waste of theContinue reading “Chapter 86: The Summoner of Wind and Fire!”

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