Chapter 105: Waste! Why don’t you compare yourself with me?

Kneeling to beg for mercy??? Feng Xi paused, frowned, and her eyes narrowed slightly! However, she did not turn around either! She can stand in the top position of the killer list, so naturally, it is impossible for people to provoke her casually and make her lose reason. If so, then she would not haveContinue reading “Chapter 105: Waste! Why don’t you compare yourself with me?”

Chapter 104: Kid, I want to challenge you!

The Thunder Element, excluding the light and dark elements, is the most difficult element of the Five Elements to obtain. In the Eastern Continent, there are very few people with the Thunder Element. Its power is also a bit more violent than the other four elements! And Falao belongs to the thunder system! Hearing theContinue reading “Chapter 104: Kid, I want to challenge you!”

Chapter 103: Is that fat man playing acrobatics??

Do not! Why should he be hit? Even if his samurai light is better than his, so what? In this Eastern Continent, the Summoner is the most prominent. And he, the reason why he is so proud is that he also hides another secret. He did not say anything because he thought that the doubleContinue reading “Chapter 103: Is that fat man playing acrobatics??”

Chapter 102: A blow, an absolute blow!

She doesn’t have any idea on how to do it; anyway, she will use all her internal strength. However, just as she pushed all her internal force to the hand that was attached to the white stone, a strong suction came from the white stone, frantically absorbing her inner strength. What is happening? The suddenContinue reading “Chapter 102: A blow, an absolute blow!”

Chapter 101: Shock and disbelief.

That, that… God! Is this not going against the sky? Unbelievable gazes not only infected everyone present, but even the green-robed man who hid in the void could not help but frown slightly. A strange color passed across the green eyes! He saw that the attack that was going to hit Feng Xi just nowContinue reading “Chapter 101: Shock and disbelief.”

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