Chapter 111: ‘Terror’ combat effectiveness.

In their eyes, there was a panic that could not be concealed, but at the same time, they felt extremely excited. In any case, they also saw such a terrifying combat power with their own eyes, and it was still from a mysterious boy with dual cultivation, how worthy of publicity… But, what is theContinue reading “Chapter 111: ‘Terror’ combat effectiveness.”

Chapter 110: Is too weird, too scary!

How was it so controlled?? That kind of precise control cannot be achieved even with Second-Tier cultivation. What’s more, what they saw just now was when Pang Hu was still surrounded by a wall of earth and was in a position that was invisible to the eyes. That was a bit more terrifying. Three series?Continue reading “Chapter 110: Is too weird, too scary!”

Chapter 109: A scorched mess.

That is new! According to his memory, it seems that there has never been a person with double repair in this Eastern Continent? At this moment, there are two people? In an instant, this aroused his curiosity. However, what if he goes out just when his senior sister comes to look for him? At thisContinue reading “Chapter 109: A scorched mess.”

Chapter 108: At this moment, one must be patient.

In the hall of the Feng Family! A figure that cannot bear to be restless was walking around in the living room. He waited for one night and after another morning has passed. Falao was already impatient. He waited and waited for his senior sister and didn’t dare to run around, lest he missed hisContinue reading “Chapter 108: At this moment, one must be patient.”

Chapter 107: Isn’t this too cruel??

Everyone looked at Feng Xi with inexplicable horror in their eyes. Did they see it well?? How did he achieve this situation?? What level is this thin boy in front of him?? It’s horrible!!! When Pang Hu finally got over his shock, his face no longer had the color of arrogance as before, and hisContinue reading “Chapter 107: Isn’t this too cruel??”

Chapter 106: This young master will fulfill you!

A black shadow flashed past them, and they saw Pang Hu, who had just stood up. Feng Xi had already picked up Pang Hu’s collar with one hand: “Fatty, it turned out to be what you hoped, and this young master will fulfill you! Your challenge, this young master takes it.” The extremely cold voiceContinue reading “Chapter 106: This young master will fulfill you!”

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