Chapter 124: Ruthless murder trick!

These alone made these four people be cautious one by one. They did not dare to act rashly!

Before feeling the strength of the opponent, it can be the most dangerous existence.

After all, it really is not easy to cause turbulence in their current situation; otherwise, if they do not pay attention, this secret mission will be exposed by their fault!

But the same situation is the most beneficial to Feng Xi. Seeing them so sneaky, it is definitely not easy; naturally, it is impossible for them to go all out, which undoubtedly gives her an advantage.

The first pavilion in the Pagoda of Life and Death, the path in the Fantasy Pavilion injected into her consciousness; the magic fog of hallucination, although she has not used it, it shouldn’t be too bad, right?

Although there is no bottom in her heart, as long as there is a little effect, that is enough.

Seeing that the fighting energy in the body was running to the extreme, the yellow light was shining, and the earth element defense seemed to have added a defensive wall in front of them.

Feng Xi, who had used the earth element before, has discovered a problem. Perhaps the people in this world haven’t discovered it yet, or they have discovered a shortcoming that hasn’t been corrected at all.

That is, the defense of the earth element must be exercised to the extreme, just like a copper wall and an iron wall, which can defend from enemy attacks completely. But at the same time, it will separate the samurais in the range within the wall defense.       

That is simply a person first come out of the shield and then insert a spear in the same place, it will not only not cause damage to the opponent, but due to the lack of response, it will give the opponent an opportunity to shoot out.       

At this point, for Feng Xi, it was definitely a good time to start.  

Of course, this is a good time, but it also requires some skills because these people in front of her are not some easy opponents, and if she doesn’t pay attention, she may be the one attacked. 

After all, her current strength is still too weak, and she really cannot withstand their counter-attack.

Feng Xi flipped her hands under the black robe, and her consciousness moved. A mist like a torrent of water instantly evacuated from her palm, floating tightly in Feng Xi’s palm as if it was conscious.

Feng Xi was motionless, but the long-lost, bloodthirsty gleamed in her starry eyes.

The dantian swiftly started up, quietly mobilizing the power of the earth element plus her internal force, and the whole body from the veins to the brain merged with the mist…

There is not much space in the small alley. She is a top killer who came to this world and activated her bloodthirsty fangs for the first time. Feng Xi is so excited because she is about to show her fast and ruthless murderous tricks!

Seeing that there was no movement from the man in black who was just above the spikes on the ground, the four men felt a little nervous, but at the same time, it stimulated their fighting spirit.

Although for some reason, a layer of mist obscures the black-robed man’s face and makes them unable to sense the strength of this person, but this person must not be allowed to leave no matter what his strength is, he must be eliminated. The four people had the same thought. In the defensive wall, all four of them approached step by step towards Feng Xi.

While they were preparing to attack, the motionless man in black seemed to move, and they saw a cloud of translucent mist, with a hint of yellow light, quickly rising towards the yellow defensive wall. It was fast, almost unnoticed.

Following this, Feng Xi mobilized the thunder element, the electric current stained her hands, and the force of thunder and lightning hit the defensive yellow wall.

It is a pity that her attack, which seems to have exhausted all her strength, did not cause the slightest damage to the defensive wall.

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