Chapter 164: Really shameless!

They saw Falao greet the little girl with a look of concern and anxiousness at this time. The greedy mind stopped scheming almost instantly, as they do not dare to act rashly.

Who is this person??

Could it be that the fact that the little girl is so tyrannical and her ability to possess the ice jade gloves has something to do with the strong man in front of her??

But in an instant, everyone felt a dangerous and angry breath jumping in the air.


Soon, there was a flash of thunder that could be seen by the naked eye in the air.


What, what is going on??

‘Boom!!! ‘ A lightning strike directly smashed the tables side by side and nothing was left.

“You guys from the Feng Family, get out here.” Seeing that his Senior Sister ignored him, suddenly, a violent sound rang out into the sky.

There was only rage on the face of Falao, and the electricity sizzles all over his body, it was terrifying!

Almost everyone can feel that the electric current in the air brings a sense of danger and terror, and even the air they breathe is numbing from the current flowing.

This strong man is too terrifying; it is simply not what they can resist at all.

However, after hearing the words, the audience secretly breathed a sigh of relief; fortunately, they were looking for the Feng Family.

Today, this Feng Family is truly unlucky, even if it is in their nest, it still offended such a strong person; now let’s see how the Feng Family solves it this time

Seeing this situation, many people secretly gloated in their hearts.

Feng Xi standing beside Falao did not seem to feel the electric current in the air at this moment, with indifferent hands resting on her chest, and her cold eyes, quietly watching the members of the Feng Family that had just yelled at her.

At this moment, their expressions became ugly as if they had eaten flies.

 In front of the strong, those members of the Feng Family who were still angry had no choice but to walk towards Falao, and when they saw Feng Xi beside Falao, their mood became complicated!

Is this little girl the one Falao has been waiting for? Or is she something from Falao?

Isn’t that bad luck??

At first, they always thought that Feng Heng had especially sought out the attention of the Third Prince, therefore from the beginning, they didn’t think about other places in their hearts.

Even just a moment ago, they planned to kill her no matter what.

Unexpectedly, things would be like this!

What to do?

What should they do now??

At almost the same time, all the eyes of the Feng Family fell on Feng Heng.


 “Patriarch, quickly explain to Falao that everything that happened before was a misunderstanding.”

“Yes, Patriarch, you can’t ignore the members of our Feng Family.”

 Now, only Feng Heng could have a solution.

Although it is a bit shameless, in any case, he is still the owner of the family, so he should stand up for them.

While Feng Xi was looking at them, her eyes squinted for a moment, and coldness flashed across her eyes.

These people are really shameless!

The expression on the face of Feng Xing was also extremely ugly. He never expected that something that seemed to be perfect and smooth would turn around like this.

Who is that girl?

How could she be so important to Falao?

The atmosphere was exceptionally tense, when suddenly the joyful beating of a gong came from outside the court.

Immediately, they saw a golden sedan chair with eight people, under the leadership of Xiao Hu, walking towards this side…

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