Chapter 3: Counterattack in the arena (2)

Yu Meigui thought that the attack with the whip she had received earlier was purely accidental as she did not expect Ye Lan to make a sudden move. As a result, she was hit by Ye Lan only because of her own carelessness. Therefore, she did not believe that she would get hit a second time by the whip!

She saw Ye Lan raise the whip again, thinking that she would be able to avoid it, and by the way give Ye Lan a fight, finally letting that waste understand what real strength is!

But the speed of Ye Lan was completely beyond her imagination! She did not see the trajectory of the whip at all, and the whip came in front of her in the blink of an eye. It was too late for her to hide!


The sound of the blasting whip seemed to distort the air, and it accurately landed on the palm of Yu Meigui, which was covered by condensed fighting spirit. And it immediately dissipated the thin layer of misty fighting spirit!

The power of the whip drew a deep whip mark on the wrist of Yu Meigui. And the skin was bruised and lacerated!


Yu Meigui screamed again, she could not believe what happened before her eyes, how could that waste of Ye Lan break her grudge! What exactly is going on!!

Of course, no one can solve her doubts at this time. Ye Lan did not even give her a chance to speak when she drew the third whip right away!


The eyes of Yu Meigui widened in horror, and she screamed in her heart to avoid it, but she could not evade it. She watched the whip hit her body, and the force suddenly lifted her to the side. She fell off the stage with a scream!

“Ahhhhh! Ye Lan, you bitch! I am going to kill you!”

Yu Meigui was trembling with pain; she clenched her teeth and shouted, the sordid expression on her face seemed to say that she cannot wait to eat Ye Lan alive!

“Heh!” Ye Lan sneered, and bowed her head condescendingly to Yu Meigui: “How about it? Cool, right? These three lashes are because you are a cheap and shameless idiot, and they come with your pre-dinner dessert. The dinner is about to begin, so you have to enjoy it…”

Before Yu Meigui could get up, the attack of Ye Lan with the whip came again!


The whip flew up and down like a snake in the hand of Ye Lan, one lash after another. They fiercely landed across the body of Yu Meigui, making her flesh and blood fly around. She screamed again and again!

How familiar this scene is! Yu Meigui used to attack the little Ye Lan like this before, but now the roles have completely changed!

The audience was clearly crowded, but at this moment, the entire arena was silent. Except for the crackling whips and the screams of Yu Meigui on the stage, no other sounds could be heard! Those people who had previously talked about it were all mute at the moment. And each of them opened their eyes wide while watching what happened on the stage.

The sorrowful cries echoed over the arena, causing the hearts of many spectators to tremble as if the whip was upon them.

Ye Lan gave ten more lashes in a row before stopping. At this moment, Yu Meigui was dying. With the exception of a grudging sigh of relief, she did not even have the strength to continue crying.

Ye Lan looked at Yu Meigui lying motionless on the arena like a puddle of mud, and said in a cold voice, “These ten lashes are returned to you on behalf of the little Ye Lan.”

Yu Meigui does not understand what Ye Lan means, the people in the audience do not understand it either, and Ye Lan does not need these people to understand. She only hopes that the weak and stubborn soul that she does not know where it has gone can rest in peace.

At this time, Yu Meigui breathed a sigh of relief and gave a gesture of confession to the referee. Soon, the bell to stop the game rang, and someone rushed to the arena and carried Yu Meigui down.

Ye Lan observed coldly on the sidelines and did not stop it.

After Ye Lan was the only one left on the stage, there was a voice in the audience that seemed to have pressed the mute button:

“Yu Meigui… just lost like that?”

“Why is Ye Lan suddenly so powerful…?”

“Ye Lan is really cruel! Look at the way Yu Meigui is being carried down, if her family cannot invite the High Priests of the Temple for treatment, I am afraid she will become a useless person!”

“You cannot say that, Yu Meigui has tried to kill Ye Lan before, so Ye Lan is doing nothing more than returning a tooth for a tooth.”

“Yes, Yu Meigui deserves it!”

That is the reality of this world that advocates force, the direction of public opinion will fall on whoever has a hard fist.

Of course, there are people who have a good relationship with Yu Meigui who complained for her. One of her classmates and best friend gritted her teeth and shouted from the audience: “Ye Lan! You dared to seriously hurt Yu Meigui, just wait for the Yu Family to find you to settle the account!”

Ye Lan stared at the speaker sharply, sneered, and said powerfully: “Did she not sign a life and death agreement before coming to fight? I was already benevolent when I did not ask her for her life. If the Yu Family has the face to trouble me, I will accompany them”

That person did not expect the eyes of Ye Lan to be so sharp that she immediately found her. She couldn’t help but shudder as she looked into the cold eyes of Ye Lan. Hearing the words said by Ye Lan, there was nothing more to say, so she fell silent.

Indeed, Yu Meigui signed the life and death agreement in the face of many people, so the Yu Family will not stand up for Yu Meigui unless they are shameless. Moreover, the Ye Family is not a vegetarian. Although, Ye Lan is not taken seriously in the Ye Family. The Ye Family cannot tolerate outsiders to slap the face of the Ye Family again and again.

In the stands on the east side of the auditorium, several teenagers were talking and laughing.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old male teenager in a Chinese suit stared at Ye Lan on the arena and said with an exaggerated tone, “Is this the legendary waste? Qin Shijiang, are you joking with me?”

The teenager named Qin Shijiang was puzzled, “She is indeed the famous waste of the Ye Family. Even a three-year-old child in Fengcheng knows that. Was she hidden her strength before? But…why?”

The teenager wearing a Chinese suit was full of interest and smiled, “No matter what is going on, this boring game is finally a bit interesting now!”

“Hehe.” Another black-clothed teenager had a cynical smile on his face that exposed his white teeth, “I just don’t know what Fang Aotian’s expression is right now, it must be very exciting!”

And the Fang Aotian in his mouth is at the moment in the stands on the west side. He is frowning tightly. His lips pressed together, and his eyes fixed on Ye Lan standing on the arena. The eyes were cold and doubtful.

Is this powerful, domineering, and ruthless girl really the cowardly and timid Ye Lan he knows, who has no fighting strength and cannot say anything even when being bullied? Is this glamorous and dazzling girl the same as the little bunny who blushes for a long time at the sight of him???

At this moment, Ye Lan in the arena spoke out, “I don’t think it is necessary to win three games in a row. It is a waste of time! Fang Aotian, it is more suitable for only you and me to resolve the matter between us! You come up, and we fight. One game determines the outcome, how about it?”

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