Chapter 66: What is going on?

After Falao finished speaking, he stared at the small cave a little nervously, but no matter how he looked, he couldn’t see the situation inside.

After a while, Falao still didn’t hear a sound coming out so he was a little worried.

Falao’s old face was directly put on an extremely serious expression; “Your Excellency, there is nothing else to ask for; I just want to see your, that is enough for me to die. If you don’t see me, then I won’t go!”

 His words suddenly made the old people waiting behind him gritted their teeth.

Originally, seeing the expert did not respond to Falao, many people were very happy, which showed that they also had a chance, but at this time, they heard what Falao said.

 But it almost aroused public outrage; of course, they were all daring to be angry but afraid to speak.

Obviously, the expert doesn’t want to see Falao, so why is he playing tricks!


When Feng Xi heard it, she almost laughed, this old man is really cute.

Even if there are people inside, it’s impossible to see the expression on his face change, right? After saying a few words, the expression on his face changed a few, which is really funny!

However, at this time, the voice of her teacher rang in her mind.

 “Little girl, you still think it’s funny. These people are all coming for you. If you don’t want to cause trouble for yourself, it’s best not to be too sharp before becoming strong!”

Feng Xi heard the voice, but suddenly felt that something was wrong!

 For her??

She doesn’t seem to be doing anything to make them care, right?

 Listening to what the old man said, these people should be looking for the person who absorbed the entire Shi Huan Kingdom elements. What does it have to do with her?

 When Feng Xi was a little confused, she suddenly thought of something, her eyes opened, and a touch of disbelief flashed across her eyes.

“Teacher, do you mean when I was in the contract formation?”

 No way!

 “Yes, maybe it’s because you have absorbed eight element sources, so when you understood the contract formation, your fusion and absorption are somewhat different from what others have realized. This is why; your contract formation has no angles, specifically speaking, even as a teacher, I can’t answer, so I can’t predict your future development for you.”

Feng Xi didn’t feel the slightest joy after hearing this so she frowned.

 If this is the case, it goes without saying that those people are here for a purpose. If she has the strength, she is not afraid of anything, but now, if you let them know, the consequences can be imagined!

Especially among these elements, there is also a golden element that even the summoner can’t contain; she must be picked up like a white mouse and studied.

 The more Feng Xi thought about it, the colder her eyes become when looking at those old men.

 Dead old man, all the expressions he just made were for her!


One day, let’s see if she doesn’t remove his beard!

 Feng Xi didn’t expect that there will be such a day…

 However, at this moment, Feng Xi suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Then, before she could react at all, she heard some familiar clicks in her ears.

This situation instantly reminded Feng Xi of something!

Feng Xi looked down slightly… the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but twitched… she saw a small hole at the root of the big tree where she was hiding, and the clicking sound came from the small hole.


What is going on?

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