Chapter 97: Are you deaf when the young master is talking?

The apprentice of a certain hermit master??

If he truly is a disciple of a hermit master then having such unpredictable speed is something that they can understand.

Otherwise, it’s really scary!

 In the current situation, all the tutors present, including the people watching, seem to think the same way, or even more so.

This thought flashed through, and the mentors who were still angry just now, abruptly one by one, reduced the anger on their faces, looking at Feng Xi suspiciously.

“I don’t know, what is the name of this little brother? Which young master is it? This one who is beneath you is He Feng; a senior class instructor from the Summoner Academy, we had a bit of a misunderstanding just now, and I hope the little brother is not surprised.”

The one who spoke was the person from the Summoner Academy and the instructor who had just taken action to block the attack on Feng Xi.

His opening made the face of instructor Jia that wears a martial suit a bit difficult to look at.

There is a feeling that he had been overwhelmed by everything.

He naturally couldn’t fail to hear the meaning of Pang Hu’s words.

And he was the first to attack Feng Xi.

Regardless of the result, it seems that neither of these two has anything to do with their Samurai Academy. This time in the recruitment of students, once again, their Samurai Academy failed.

Damn it!

When thinking that this time, they would be ridiculed and despised by those old guys from the Summoner Academy, his heart burst into anger.

But at this time, he didn’t say anything else even if his heart was on fire, he did not dare to provoke a powerful enemy that might be hidden for the Academy.

Feng Xi naturally didn’t know what they were thinking!

Hearing this, Feng Xi just turned her head slightly and glanced at the 30-year-old He Feng, and then her eyes fell on instructor Jia who was holding his hands tightly into fists, with a fierce expression on his face.

Although Feng Xi didn’t know what they were thinking, she was not stupid; how could she not see the meaning of it.

The corners of her mouth evoked a slight arc, and the arrogant voice said again: “Misunderstanding? Ha ha! You are a funny old man; all of you here are blind? Or, are you deaf when the young master is talking? ”

Old man??

The smile on He Feng’s face froze!

Is this referring to him??

He is only thirty-four years old. For cultivators, he has just reached the age of youth.

Being called an old man is shameful. In particular, as he is now a Summoner in the Second-Tier mid-term and can be considered as a powerful existence.

At his age, being called old in public was so embarrassing that he couldn’t get off the stage fast enough.

“Whose child is that? He is really arrogant like he is not afraid of death.”

“What do you understand; there must be a strong person behind him, and that is capital for being arrogant.”

“That’s right, I am a wind type summoner, and the Wind Element in the speed just now was not used!”

“Ah! Really? No wonder he just appeared just like that…”

“Fake! Let me tell you, it’s just some blind tricks just that little bit, I can choke to death with one hand.”

“Yes, looking at the way the head and face are covered, it looks like a shame.”


Everyone looked at the strange Feng Xi, with a touch of surprise and inquiry in their eyes, and could not help but discuss in a low voice. However, there were also many people who were still obviously taunting Feng Xi.

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