Chapter 139: Waste that they can easily torture

Today, the Feng Family was busy from top to bottom to welcome the Third Prince, that it did not occur to them that all the summoning families in this imperial city would visit them one by one at this time.

By the way, all the people that came to visit and observe the pagoda test caused the Feng Family to be busy again.

As for the rumors outside, the Feng family naturally learned about it quickly, but this did not embarrass the Feng Family, and it even made most of the members feel refreshed in their hearts.

In this way, it can be said that the waste is completely abolished. Afterward, it will be easy for the family to get rid of the trash.

Especially some people who are interested in the Third Prince, even started to talk about it in the mansion.

Just like now, on a path through a lotus pond, Feng Xi suddenly heard someone talking.

“The Third Prince can be considered a powerful man. How could it be possible for him to have a heart for that disgusting waste? It is best to have a divorce!”

“However, the fact that the Third Prince had handed a letter of divorce to dissolve the marriage contract is super exciting.”

“I heard that the Third Prince had wanted to get out of their engagement two years ago when he saw the waste for the first time, and if it was not for the face of our Feng Family, he might have gotten rid of that waste a lot sooner.”

 “Yeah, everyone in the Imperial City knows, and now they are all watching the waste’s joke, which made our Feng Family ashamed. It is very disgusting and hateful.”

“That’s right, besides the Patriarch still dared to disobey the order of the Third Prince and told her not to participate today, huh, the Patriarch is also a case, isn’t it just a waste so why treat it as something precious! Disgusting!”

 “Later, we will humiliate and teach that trash. Anyway, I heard that after this test is over, the family will elect to remove the waste from the family. After all, our Feng Family does not support waste.”

“Really? What are you waiting for? Let’s go now and take out the waste. If she had let the prince divorce her, and he had to reselect a concubine one year earlier, we too would have had the opportunity to participate in the test and selection of the concubine. Everything is the fault of that waste.”


 “Humph! Go…”

 It turned out that the four girls who were talking were all sixteen years old and have already passed the age for the test in the pagoda.

 So they feel envy, jealousy, and hatred for the girls who can get chosen as the concubine. And the object of their choice to vent is the waste that they can easily torture.

Everyone in the Imperial City knows??

Feng Xi, who was standing on the path, narrowed her cold eyes slightly.

Immediately after they said they were going to humiliate her, Feng Xi sneered in her heart.

 It seems that these individuals would really pick soft persimmons to pinch.

However, it’s a pity… When the four girls were about to turn around and walk toward the neglected courtyard where Feng Xi lives, they saw the thin figure standing behind them.

“Who are you? It is rude to stand behind others in silence while listening to their conversation.” One of the girls shouted impatiently while looking at Feng Xi.

 The other three people also seemed impatient when they saw her, thinking that she was a family member brought by those families visiting them today.

In their opinion, the Feng Family is the number one family of summoners in the imperial city, so they feel superior over the members of other families.

The cold eyes of Feng Xi glowed darkly upon hearing this, and she raised her eyebrows slightly. It seems that these people did not notice that she was the ‘trash’ in their mouths.

Apparently, the change in her appearance is extraordinary, but this is not the point; the point is…

“Papa Papa……”

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