Chapter 69: That is my pet grass!

“The Lord! It is the honor of our Feng family for you to be able to come to the Warcraft Forest of our Feng Family. From now on, I will order the family members to forbid the entrance to the Warcraft Forest, so as not to disturb the deity’s practice…”

Having said this, Feng Heng hesitated for a while, then continued; “It’s just that, some time ago, my little granddaughter strayed into this Warcraft Forest. We haven’t found her so far. If she accidentally disturbs the Venerable, please I ask the Venerable to be merciful.” Feng Heng said for a long time, but he didn’t hear any response.

But at this moment, the kneeling Falao turned his head and glanced impatiently at Feng Heng; “If you didn’t find it when she entered the forest of beasts then she must have been eaten by the beasts. For this little thing, you will trouble my master. You really are…Ah…”

Suddenly it hurts!

Looking down, Falao saw a Black Vampire Grass that came out of the small hole first, with its fangs wide open, and it was sucking tightly on his feet like an octopus.

There is also a feeling of craziness swarming out from that small grass.

 Falao’s face sank, and just about to take action, the mysterious black-robed man made a hoarse cry; “Don’t hurt it, that’s my pet grass!”

Falao who was still calm just now changed to a respectful and flattering expression, and said cheerfully. “It turned out to be raised by the master, hehe, it looks really good, then it must be well moisturized.”

After speaking, Feng Xi saw his purple robe flicked, and the three giant beasts that were suppressed to be submissive were dragged over out of thin air.

Then Feng Xi didn’t know how Falao did it, she saw the Black Vampire Grass that had come toward him, but then suddenly changed its direction and went crazy toward the three giant beasts.



It was what Feng Xi saw that night again, with countless fangs entangled, all the Black Vampire plants around gathered.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Feng Xi’s mouth twitched, but her heart became clearer.

This old man is not easy!

 Glancing at Feng Heng, who was still serious and respectful, a light of thought flowed through Feng Xi’s eyes.

After a long time, the hoarse voice came with majesty; “The deity will come to Feng’s family, with his own purpose, old kid, if you want to worship the deity as a teacher, you are still a little tender, but for your sincerity, the deity can give you a chance, but… I’m afraid you won’t.”

A chance?

 These words instantly made Falao excited, his face was stained with unspeakable excitement, and even his voice couldn’t help but tremble; “Master, please say, no matter what it is, the disciple is absolutely willing to do it.”

“Do you really want to do anything?”

“Yes!” Falao answered decisively!

 “Okay!” At this moment, a black shadow flashed and appeared in the air again, but still unable to see its face, just a mysterious black robe.

This made all three people present behave respectfully.

“Your current level is really not qualified to be my disciple, nor to see the deity, but since you are so sincere, let’s be a named disciple first, and be included as the second named disciple of my family. In the future, learn from your senior sister.”

Although he was just a nominal disciple, Falao was still excited at this time, and his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

 He nodded straight and said excitedly; “Thank you, Master, the disciple will definitely work hard to meet the requirements of the master as soon as possible, but, I don’t know, who is my senior sister? I have entered the master’s school, and the disciple must go and pay a respectful visit. The disciple will definitely learn from Senior Sister.”

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