Chapter 68: It was difficult to step down

Although there is not too much pressure on the Ninth-Tier powerhouse, the other people suddenly frowned, stepped back slightly, and the expression on their faces became more respectful.

Feng Heng and Zi Xiahong, who had been standing by the side, felt a little strenuous for the sudden increase in oppression!

 Especially Zi Xiahong, she feels stressed!

“I understand, the disciple’s cultivation level at this time is really not in the eyes of the master, but the disciple will definitely work hard and will never shame the master!” Falao said with a respectful expression.


What is this old man’s face made of?

 “At that age and with that level of cultivation, do you believe that you are worthy of becoming a disciple of the deity?” The mysterious black-robed man snorted coldly; “In the future, if you dare to claim to be a disciple of the deity. The deity will take your life, so get out of this forest for me. In the future, those who dare to trespass will be killed without mercy.”

It was just after the voice of arrogance and cold snort fell when the dark shadow flashed, and in everyone’s eyes, it immediately blended into a small tree not far away, as if it had disappeared, completely undetectable.

Everyone was shocked again.

Void Fusion again! Oh my God, it’s no wonder that this person has the ability to absorb the entire elemental power of the Shi Huan Kingdom. This person’s strength is absolutely unfathomable.



Can he be called this way, is it not the Saint of Advancement, but has entered the stage of Transformation?? That rumored class…

At this time, everyone’s complexion changed drastically, and a touch of horror stained their eyes.

Then the old men start to bow respectfully to the tree one by one (the most ceremonial act) and then fly away one by one.

The only exception is Falao who is still kneeling on the ground, and Feng Heng, who has yet to leave with Zi Xiahong at his side.

 Feng Xi in hidden in the tree was a little pale.

It turned out that the oppressive force of the gossip array that she took out was only a little bit, and it was so laborious. Just now she almost couldn’t control it. When the oppressive force increased, it almost drained her mental energy and pressed her so that she couldn’t breathe.

If it wasn’t for the brat to help support her body, maybe she would have fallen just now.

 It’s just that the dead boy knows too much, which makes her always feel a little worried, but the current situation makes her have no choice.

Only the trump card of the teacher cannot be found by anyone else that is the only way to save her life.

Glancing at the three people who were still standing there, she frowned, and her body was already in a state of a serious need for rest.

“If you don’t get out yet, do you all want to die!” said a husky and heavy voice.

At this time, Falao raised his head and said in a low voice; “I won’t get up. If the master doesn’t accept me as a disciple, then kill me. In my whole life, I have never disobeyed a master. If the master wants to kill me, from the disciple there will never be any complaints.”

After speaking, Falao closed his eyes, his face was righteous, and he regarded death as if he had come home.

Feng Xi really wanted to shoot him to death at this time.

This old man was a rascal. If she were to be replaced by someone capable, he might have been killed already.

Unfortunately, she currently does not have the ability, if she makes this move, she will definitely be discovered.

Suddenly, it was difficult to step down.

Fortunately, at this moment, the silent Feng Heng steadily stepped forward, bowed respectfully to the tree, and said respectfully in a solemn voice.

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